Originally Posted by 320touring
Cheers, but we'd be looking to do Internal insulation- We dont want to change the external appearance of the house
Built circa 1895, last re modelled about 1994
You might want to look at better insulating windows + glass then.
Might well be worth the effort.
The latest window/door sills have no thermal bridges in them.
Getting it done while insulating the inside walls saves on work and remodelling-hassle ... at a high initial cost though.
the shower tray is built into the crawlspace!
Making it a massive heat-sink - quite literally.
I'd get that insulated even before you insulate the crawl space itself.
A box of styrofoam plates or the like around it will do a lot of good.
Floor and all walls are tiled- I think getting rid of them would be good from both an aesthetic and insulation point of view.
Getting rid of tiles and replacing them with say cork won't cost any space and insulate better / feel warmer.
Cork is really undervalued, but you can get some really nice finishes these days that don't even look like cork anymore.
It need not have the
flattened bottle cork - look anymore
Yep- hearing you loud and clear re that- I will try to organise access- possibly via a neighbours, or by punching a hole through.
Bank robber style. Sounds rather dramatic.

Surely there must be some easier way to get in ?
There ought to be if the houses were built as separate houses back in the day ... if it was one big house divided in 3 later on, well, anything's possible then.
Cant have too much insulation upstairs
Exactly ...
Especially when you're not using the space.
Any heat going up there is wasted.
Lower temp? would that not only work if we had a thermostat so it could come on/off rather than the current "on for 2hrs" setup?
You have thermostats on the rads though.
Give it a try over a more or less stable week or so and compare the amount of gas used / comfort.
Last year I've reduced the water temperature from over 60 C to around 45C, and burned less gas despite a longer harsher winter.
No timers here , no heat storage, just rads with thermostats, late-1980s set-up so it'd be about time to replace the heater even if it's just from an efficiency point of view.
But I don't own the place, so ...