Originally Posted by 3-Wheeler
Driving with load allows the gas engine to run in a more efficient regime.
If you can find it, look for a fuel consumption map for your particular engine.
I wish I could find one. Yes I've seen the BSFC map page here, and searched elsewhere.
Originally Posted by 3-Wheeler
I drive a Honda Insight, and the BMSC map for my engine shows that I should run between 1500 and 2500 rpm, and about 80% throttle for the greatest engine efficiency.
I use this approach when going up hills and getting up to speed.
I'm familiar with the concept and my toy v6 is probably most efficient in that area also. (What is BMSC?)
I agree with that, but that isn't DWL as defined in the wiki here (sorry I'm a noob & it won't let me post a link):
"In other words, you will back off the accelerator and lose speed (possibly also downshifting) as you climb, and gain that speed back on the descent."
For most cars, when cruising we're at low throttle opening, either backing off, or constant throttle doesn't get the engine close to peak efficiency.
Originally Posted by 3-Wheeler
Using DWL is the most effective way to work with EOC, Engine Off Coasting. When I do that effectively, I get over 150 mpg in the summer months.
HTH, Jim.