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Old 11-19-2013, 11:38 PM   #16 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Idratherbeflying View Post
Yeah i was thinking turbo and possibly propane injection. Maybe just use the propane injection on hills to get some of the extra power that i would need. If i understand correctly propane does for a diesel what nitrous oxide does for a gas engine correct me if im wrong on that. I figure i can use electric to do short low speed driving. It could also work for 4 wheel drive when needed in snow.
Propane has detonation issues, it's not so safe to be used in a Diesel as CNG or even ethanol, and it actually doesn't have the same effect as nitrous oxide since it's a fuel instead of a combustion enhancer. Would be better to just get a turbo instead of using propane. A water+methanol injection would be better than propane since it acts like a chemical intercooler while avoiding detonation issues, and it also decreases the risks associated to the glycerin polymerizing while using WVO.
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