Again, my only need to know the FE gain is for pride/ego, since I had already spent the money.
I would call it science.
You are now smarter, you have done a test, taken data, and when you hear someone spout off with inaccurate info, you will be able to correct them. I'm smarter too, I had to think about how to do the calculation, so thanks.
I had originally concluded that it would take 3.6 years of fuel savings to pay for my electric fan. Your insight reduces this to 1.8 years. And this is all at $4 gas. If gas doubles in the meantime (hey, it might) my mod becomes even more worth the doing. In all honesty, I think with me it is more a matter of foolish pride than of the actual fuel savings although saving money, no matter how little, is always good.
I feel that 1.8 years is a pretty good payback time. I do home energy mods that have much longer payback.