Sorry for the late reply, had to wait for these stupid metal clips to come in through the hyundai dealer in order for the climate knobs to work. (lost them somewhere in the dash) anyways, the project so far is a great success. I repainted the letters on the panel my switch sits in but it still looked too. . . amateurish? anyway, i sanded it of and went with the much simpler symbol approach found on most motorcycles.

Much cleaner!
and here it is installed
Here's how it's wired
Double pole double throw switch.
pin number
not used ------> 1 n.closed<-not used
fuel inj. ground->2 n.closed-2 n.closed<-Ignition power
fuel inj. ground->3 n.closed-3<--to starter
-Up on the switch bypasses the ignition and jumps power to the starter. The fuel injectors are grounded by default on the normally closed side as long as the keys are in (it wont start without the key, though it will crank)
-Down on the switch interrupts the normally closed common ground for the injectors and kills the engine.
(note: I think shutting the engine off in this manner may dump a lot of fuel into the cylinders. it consistently takes a few seconds longer to restart the car when it is stopped this way vs. turning the key off. The MPGuino is my next project so I aim to verify this as i currently have no instantaneous feedback. Anyone who is familiar with this or has a better way to kill the engine, please advise.)