Originally Posted by cbaber
It is really just preference. It's been discussed on this forum many times. Both are accurate, both give you access to the same information. The ultragauge looks nicer and is much cheaper.
That being said, I bought the Scangauge for a few reasons. First, I like the small profile. I knew exactly where I wanted to mount it, and the Ultragauge would have blocked some of the view of my gauges. Also, the Scangauge II has 2 ports for the OBD connection. One of the back, and one on the side. This is useful if you want to make your install clean and with no wires showing, as I did. Also, you can daisy chain scangauges if you want to. Finally, the Scangauge has a feature called x gauge that allows you to program extra gauges for vehicle specific information. This is useful to hybrid owners, or people like me with a lean burn civic. I have a custom gauge that shows me if I am in lean burn or not.
I have both scangauge and ultra gauge. As far as lean burn goes, you can use the ultragauge also, just select o2 sensor 2 and when it registers .01-.09 on the gauge it's in lean burn.