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Old 07-02-2008, 01:41 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Lexan or plexiglass is easy to cut or shape. I used a jig saw with a fine tooth blade in it, in the past I have also used a scribe to score plexiglass about half way through and break over a table edge. Experiment with a small piece first. But I like the jig saw. I used masking tape for the guide lines and to protect the lexan from scratches. It also helps to keep the chipping if any to a minimum. You can also use a belt sander to help clean up edges and with final fit.

To shape it get a hot air gun (like a blow dryer but hotter) heat it where you want the bend and do what you will. Heat it slowly though so you don't bubble the lexan.

For the grill I would make some brackets of some sort. Maybe a "j" hook shape to hook behind the back of the grill trim and use a screw from the front of the lexan.
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