The other day, a guy came up to me as I was getting into the "gnat" and asked what MPG it got. So I told him I'd hit 60+ a few times, and am always at least in the mid 50's or above. We talked a little bit & he told me about a turbo 3 cylinder Metro (I'd never heard of) that had the turbo just to give it enough poop to go up on-ramps and get into traffic. I told him my 4 cylinder had enough poop, but I almost never floored it and almost always drove it slow.
Then he said he noticed my fender skirts and wondered if I was a hypermiler. When I told him "yes", he shook my hand.
He didn't ask to buy it, but that's the first time someone genuinely acted like they liked what I was doing. Seems like everyone else thinks I'm a weirdo of some sort wasting all my time and energy "for nothing". Even telling them I go 600 miles between fill-ups of 10 to 11 gallons doesn't seem to impress them - or at least, they hide it real well. (Maybe inside, they're as jealous as all hell, eh? Yeah, that's what I tell myself)