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Old 07-02-2008, 02:16 AM   #3 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Not sure how it is leaning but if it is sitting lower from the post rotting and compressing then the easiest way would be to nail a 2x10 on the inside and outside about 2 ft off the floor and ground outside and put 4 or so hydraulic jacks on it, 2 per side and jack it back up then replace the rotted 4x4.

If it is leaning sideways then I would build some good braces to catch it once it gets to square and just pull it with a cable and come-a-long to square it back up then jack it up off of the bad 4x4 and replace it.

It kind of depends on how the garage is made so without pictures or something it would be hard to say how to fix it really. But just going by what has been said that is my best guess on how to fix it.

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