Originally Posted by JRMichler
When our daughter was a baby, we would just bundle her up, put her in the child seat, load kid and seat in car, and THEN start the engine and go. Even at 30 below.
It's different for a baby in child seat. The baby never has to sit on a cold car seat because the child seat is prewarmed from being indoors.
Have the mom (assuming there is one present) dress the kid. Most mothers overdress the kid so much, he/she will look like the Michelin man.
If mom isn't around, you apply the same bundling to the kid. I did it when my kid was a toddler when mom was at work. I'll never forget the snowy day when I got the kid all ready to go out to the car all bundled up, and she looked up at me quizzically when we got to the door. I looked down. Oh, s---! I
forgot the SHOES!
You may have a cold butt, but the kid won't because he/she is wearing more than you are. Just pretend you are the mommy, and be a good daddy.