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Old 07-02-2008, 02:09 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tango Charlie View Post
I'm afraid I have no hard opinion on the frontside/backside grill block. Personally, I would put it on the front, as I just don't have that much faith in the 'stagnant air bubble' theory. If you hold a Dixie cup in a stream of air, which way pushes harder-open end forward, or open end back? I would love to see some documentation if someone has researched anything similar to this. Maybe someone could tell us if Hucho has an opinion in his book.
The only thing that comes to mind is a patent that Dr. Paul MaCready got for a Jeep windshield fairing.MaCready created a surround for the flat frame that incorporated pretty generous leading edge radii not present in the Jeep's frame.Even though the air would be "captured" within the bucket created by the fairing,those radii were such, that the free stream would flow around the vertical puddle of air,attached to the top and sides of the Jeep,something impossible without the fairing.Its all counter-intuitive,that attaching a "parachute" to the front of the windshield could do what it did.It was a carefully designed parachute! So it looks like,that if the area around the grille has sufficient radius,that the air will simply flow on over the stagnant "puddle" created by the block,whether in front of or behind the grille.Then its just a matter of appearance.
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