Originally Posted by B440
Two and three are backwards; The older engines will run leaner if they cannot adjust a/f ratios, and possibly better mpg at the risk of engine damage. Newer cars that can adjust, will add more fuel because of the alcohol, lowering mpg.
Sorry, but the ECM in almost ALL of the
newer engines, especially those using turbochargers, actually "test" the octane levels of the gasoline by periodically "advancing & retarding" the spark ignition, using the principle that E10 (and higher) mixtures have higher octane levels due to ethanols higher octane number (100+) than 'straight' gasoline. Typically, this process is done upon each tank refill, and then more often as the car is driven.
How do I know this? Because that's exactly how our 2011 1.4LT Cruze works, and because I can SEE it occuring with my ScangaugeII™ when different mixtures of E10 and E0 are used. I see advanced timing consistently with E10+ fuel, but timing retard consistently with E0 fuel.
Similar process happens with Ford and Fiat-Co (pronounced fiasco) cars with turbos.