Thread: An easy 13.6%
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Old 12-19-2013, 12:21 AM   #14 (permalink)
user removed
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At 50+ more cents a gallon it is not worth the trip in my 2011 Fiesta. Check out my fuel log. The first 5 tanks were E0 and the rest are E10. It's not worth the additional cost. Old Tele Man has it right as far as the newer cars being capable of running more advanced timing with E10.

Not trying to argue the point. If you car gets 10% better mileage with E0 and it does not cost a lot more than E10 then you should use E0 as long as you can get it. The difference in BTU content per gallon is about 4%, but that can be offset by more advanced timing in newer cars designed to run on E10.

Bottom line, use what you find works better in your own vehicle, whichever gives you a lower cost per mile. E10 also dilutes any water in your fuel which eliminates another possible problem.

Most of the trips I made to get the E10 were just about the perfect dive for economy and it still did not make a significant difference in my mileage.


Last edited by user removed; 12-19-2013 at 07:30 AM..
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