looking at that litebrake website. the science is sound, however, i don't know how well it actually works. (can it really dissipate similar amounts of heat as a vented cast iron rotor).
I don't believe their claim of 10% mileage, unless you had a car notorious for brake drag.
the coffecient of thermal expansion of aluminum is approximately twice of cast iron, but they're talking about expansion across the thickness of the rotor as opposed the diamater, which would be orders of magnitude higher.
some off the cuff math, if you got your aluminum rotor so hot it was to the melting point, about 500°C, it would only expand the thickness by 0.2mm from ambient temperature
thats 1000°F and 0.012 inch for you yankees (assuming a rotor about an inch thick)
is that enough to cause the pads to retract?
water meth injection is great for turbo cars. most people only do it for power, or safety, not fuel economy.
water wetter is good for places u cant use coolant (many race tracks for instance, because its too slippery when it spills.) i cant think it would improve your fuel economy.