Got everything hooked up and went fer a spin. After I got to the grocery store, I gave everything a quick look over and everything seemed fine. Nothing fell off or got ripped off.
It wasn't until I got home and started backing up...did I realize that I fergot to pull the wheel stabilizers. Yup...they were snapped off but they stayed in the wheel section. Guess I need to cut another set or two and find a place to store them on the outside of the trailer so I know I've pulled them out before embarking on the road.
Since this is the first time installing the extended lid, I've found that it's not as easy as one would expect when brainstorming it out. At least it works...
First impressions of the new build is that I do carry more speed at coasting than I'm normally used to before with just the aero cap. There was some big gusty crosswinds and the truck held it's line just fine. I'll do more testing tomorrow...