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Old 12-21-2013, 03:15 PM   #13 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Twisp, WA
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Thanks. The websites look good. I'll spend some time exploring them.

I've seen your design on your threads. I intend mine to be quite a bit smaller and lower. Are you familiar with the California Commuter? It is closer to what I have in mind, very low and very aerodynamic, though I expect I'll leave the front wheels/suspension outside the body as on yours, the Hyperrocket and others. I've ordered the plans from AeroVision - they're only $25 for the PDF, and I expect will give me good info on some aspects, particularly front end design and components.

I'm playing with body design, and have concept drawings that I like; preliminary is 8 or 9 feet long, extreme recumbent, top of body only 21 inches off the ground forward of the cockpit, headlight mounted just behind the cockpit with total height under 30 inches. I'll continue to develop and refine as I learn more and may completely re-design. I expect weight to be under 300 pounds.

I won't be able to finalize the chassis and body design until I have the scooter I'll use for drivetrain and put that together with my own front end design. It will be based on my preliminary design, but be tweaked as I put the chassis together. I expect to complete the chassis and have a functional trike before I start building the body around it.

I plan to use very thin plywood (1/8 inch) and stitch and glue construction for the body. I designed and built a small sailing/rowing/cruising boat that way and expect I can make a very light and aerodynamic trike body as well. Stitch and glue is pretty easy, often used for kayaks and other small boats.
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