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Old 07-02-2008, 03:54 PM   #7 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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Location: Atlanta, GA
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Putsaround - '96 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 32.74 mpg (US)

The Commuter - '07 Trek 1000SL
90 day: 617.28 mpg (US)

Zippy - '91 Honda Civic DX
90 day: 33.29 mpg (US)
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My personal take on this is that, in general, ecomodders/hypermilers are not the ones that are causing the problems/accidents. It's the impatient people that do stupid/irresponsible/irrational/immature things in reaction to someone doing say...o, the SPEED LIMIT...heaven forbid we should try that once in a while. The only thing I see when hypermiling could even be considered marginally dangerous or annoying to other drivers is when I'm turning my engine off and they act erratically/unpredictable to an extent (which as of yet I have not seen) that would cause me to not be able to react in time...which is so unlikely that it's almost not even worth counting.
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