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Old 12-23-2013, 01:19 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hawai'ian electric generation has always seemed really strange to me: they ship in fossil fuel to run generators when they're quite literally sitting on top of what's probably the second biggest (after Iceland), if not the biggest, geothermal resource on Earth? Meanwhile the geothermal plants at the piddling little hot spring up the road from me have been cranking out ~100 MWatts for decades...

In different areas Geothermal can have different problems with recovery. I worked for a company, who in the 70's Fracked a Geo-well for the DOE near Los Alamos New Mexico. The results were positive but there was so much Sulfur in the down-hole strata, the resulting steam was too acidic with Sulfuric Acid to allow the Equipment to live very long. I went by the site last year and it brought back many memories...Anyway, Geo-thermal wells cannot be done "Just Anywhere" there is hot rock close to the surface. We even have a well drilled by Exxon for IBM here in Tucson, I believe in the Eighties, the tests showed potential for power production.
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