Thanks for sharing this with me. I like it! How fast do you cruise? And what mpg in gas engine mode? It's quite close to where I started in my thinking, but I soon realized that I'd rather create a trike that I could ride anywhere, including on freeways, and that takes more engine and a whole different level of requirements for licensing.
I've traveled a lot on a bicycle (including over 12,000 miles in one 3-year period). A little over a year ago I bought a 49cc scooter which is faster and easier than the bicycle and gets 125mpg. I've had some back problems and long distances on the bicycle had become problematic. Last spring I traveled over 3000 miles on the scooter, but it's not fun in cold weather, and I feel concern about delaying auto traffic.
I live where it's cold in the winter and wanted a trike for stability on snow/ice. I realized that the trike would be an even greater traffic obstruction - unless I could maintain normal highway speeds. So . . . I aim for highway speeds, long distance comfort, freeway legal, and well over 100 mpg. I think it's going to work.
Last edited by ScotD; 12-23-2013 at 08:22 PM..