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Old 12-25-2013, 07:06 AM   #18 (permalink)
The brake pedal is evil
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Arizona
Posts: 401

Denny's Detector - '08 Mercury Grand Marquis

Taserface - '17 Chevy Volt
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My prizm does 3500 rpm at 65 on the speedometer, 72 or so road speed. Loud? Yes. Overpowered? I can climb a grade steep enough to coast down it at 65 MPH (speedo) in 5th gear, thus I see twice the power potential I need on flat land, so yes. I see maybe 35 on long trips through the LA basin at 65 on the speedometer. I'd be happy with 2400 rpm at 65, but it would be cheaper to buy a civic and swap in a CX transmission or buy a SC2 and swap in a taller 5th gear.
Getting sensor data off of a pre OBDII Toyota ECU via TDCL.
All of this is on E10: Project E is my current focus.

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