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Old 12-25-2013, 11:43 PM   #1 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pacific NW
Posts: 1,561

MisFit Talon - '91 Eagle Talon TSi
Team Turbocharged!
90 day: 63.95 mpg (US)

Warlock - '71 Chevy Camaro

Fe Eclipse - '97 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS
Thanks: 1,333
Thanked 613 Times in 400 Posts
Did you meet your 2013 Goals??? What's in store for 2014?

I would like to see what members meet their number one goal for 2013.

My number one goal for 2013 was to reach 45+ mpg freeway in my Talon. I was successful and learned a lot along the way.

My 2014 Goal is to get to 50 mpg freeway in the Talon and paint the car with some major details to the engine compartment.

So who did what in 2013 and whats in store for 2014???

Pressure Gradient Force
The Positive Side of the Number Line

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