Originally Posted by NachtRitter
Had a goal of hitting 70mpg on a tank with Helga, but didn't quite make it (did 70mpg+ on a half tank, but I'm not counting that as meeting my goal). I'll leave that as a goal for 2014, though I think it will require a bit more aero work.
redpoint5 - heading down to NorCal for work? I haven't really been looking at Prii, but I suspect the Bay area folks might treat them similar to Portlanders. Have you driven the Prius before? If not and you tend to like "shifting your own" as with the TSX, I'd recommend trying one before buying.
The only way I intend to even approach 70mpg is with eMPG. Good work!
I'm not heading to NorCal for any other reason than to buy a Prius and perhaps visit the aunt/uncle. I've had my eye on a 2010 III Prius for a while, but Portlanders won't let them go for less than $16,000. I've seen a few in CA for $13,500, and I'm willing to travel to save even $1k. In the meantime, I've been driving the Cummins when it's freezing, and the motorcycle when it's not. The truck doesn't even warm up in the time it takes to get to work, and the bike is never warm.
Thanks for the warning; I have driven a few Prii, and true, the lack of shifting and power is the end of certain kinds of fun, but the techno-geek in me finds pleasure in efficiency. Besides, I can shift my own gears and go faster than anyone should go on the motorcycle. I intend to buy a fuel efficient car and take road trips with the wife. Our requirement was something that gets good fuel economy, has a low total cost per mile, and can sleep in the back.
We're not rich, but we don't want that to prevent us from seeing the world.