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Old 01-02-2014, 01:51 PM   #31 (permalink)
Burn lean and prosper\\//
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: scranton pa
Posts: 576

VLX - '93 Honda Civic VLX
Team Honda
90 day: 51.1 mpg (US)
Thanks: 55
Thanked 65 Times in 54 Posts
Rusty- so let me get this straight. If weight was taken out of the equation on a new gasoline non-hybrid to equal the weight of my 2000 lb vx then the return would be the same or superior to the lean burn technology? They are making new cars that are lighter and more aerodynamic and they still don't touch the vx. Speculation or educated guesses about a certain drivetrain in a lighter car is not enough to sway my opinion.

I have tested my vx with 650 lbs and mileage dropped 3-4 mpg from my average. (to 49mpg from an average of 51-53) That's about 2750lb curb weight. If I increased the weight to 3000 lbs I highly doubt it would drop below 45. This makes me want to try it. I'll drop a small book Chevy in the backseat haha.

Burn lean and prosper \\ //

Last edited by slownugly; 01-02-2014 at 02:31 PM..
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