Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
I hope they pay more than $2K / month to their workers. $3-4K/month is probably more like it.
Lets assume $3k and lets assume 50% of the claimed workforce - 750. Thats $2.25m per month in salaries alone. Assuming a sales cost of $9K ($6k is kit only or for the faries) then you would have to sell 250 a month just to cover salaries only - nothing for buildings, power, materials, legals, designers, paint, welding, quality, finishing, electronics, advertising, shipping etc etc. And certainly no profit/return for shareholders.
And as Frank said they should be productionising this stuff like the chassis and the framework at this stage and not faffing about with the basics of the design especially as they expect them to be on the road by the end of 2014.
Those photos still look more like a welding project, and if scaled up look more like the Morgan factory :
and Morgan don't sell anything for $6K.
I wonder how the deposits are protected too - what if they fail to deliver or fold before then, would a depositor just be at the back of the queue of creditors ?