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Old 01-04-2014, 12:24 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
One big problem is that we do not only have "the rich" purchasing smart phones, it is nearly everybody, as well as the aforementioned televisions, cars, and everything else.

Somebody explain to me why college students have new cars?
You probably already know the answer. Because it is now the expectation throughout society (that is promoted by our government controlled economy) that mommy and daddy would do so. This is relentlessly reinforced by the media. Can you turn on your TV or radio without hearing a commercial touting the purchase of a new car? Mommy and daddy were/are brainwashed into doing whatever the media promotes - and so they did. What used to be done by governments with bullets and bombs is now done with suggestions. It is much cheaper, easier and more highly effective to control people that way. Once programmed to do so, the targeted audience will even pay money to watch commercial advertising. The medium is the message.

We can say NO to this. We have the power to say NO. But most of us can't, and most of us don't. That demonstrates the power of suggestion and mass persuasion over the masses. No more bullets. No more bombs. Just 82 channels of the latest version of PRAVDA - that we now willingly pay to receive, and cannot resist watching and hearing.

Admittedly, unlike bullets and bombs, this government and business sponsored media affront does not do any physical or immediate harm to people. It just sets them and their children back economically and mentally. It's hard to make rational decisions in your best interest, once you have lost the ability to do so.

If they can afford new cars, why do they "need" college?
I think you might know the answer to that question, too.

Once you have been programmed to pay and participate in the cultural milieu, you will be willing to pay even more, for the brainwashing of your children.
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