Originally Posted by aerohead
In Hucho's discussion of stability,he mentions that,"Only vehicles with long,tapering rear ends suffered..",mentioning Kamm's research at the FKFS.
Tail fins were the solution in the 1930s but only used on race and record cars.
Hucho goes on to mention that lift and pitching moment have little effect on directional stability,even in crosswinds.
Hucho says the danger is with gusts.And he says that highway design is a major part of the solution.
It is a center of pressure/center of gravity issue.
I'd like to experience your Insight in a crosswind.
When I drove to Bonneville,I drove 70-mph through a near-dust-blizzard storm front with a 50-mph crosswind into Amarillo,Texas.All I did was apply a constant opposite torque on the wheel.
You'd be welcome to if you're ever in Ohio, I'll be in NC January 17th-20th- But I know you're in Texas (from profile).
We just had a ridiculous storm here, and it was incredible driving it. The attention needed to drive was nothing I've experienced. If I didn't accelerate, the rear end wanted to move left or right. On the two lane roads, each vehicle passing pushed into four wheel slides, and the same (but worse) occurred from the wind. Thank goodness people weren't supposed to be on the roads, and most listened.
I imagine clutching in (stopping the braking on the front wheels from engine and regen) would have made the tail movement less significant under coasting, but the roads covered in thick packed snow made it so easy to slide. I am accustomed to the Mustang easily drifting* but not so much the Insight. On a simple, gentle S curve, the Insights rear end would [try to] just slide around it. I know it's lite, and there is nothing over the rear end, but I was shocked it was so volatile on the roads. I never thought a car so 'boring' would be so exhilarating
*I only drift in my drive, I won't be stupid on public roads. Mustang is only throttle, Insight is only parking brake, and only in snow.
Edit: 1,000th post!