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Old 07-02-2008, 11:33 PM   #62 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sault Ste Marie, ON, Canada
Posts: 128

Schwartzejetta - '00 Volkswagen Jetta TDI GL
90 day: 52.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 19
Thanked 16 Times in 16 Posts
My Dad has a Dakota, already has a hard tonneau, and usually has the bed PACKED, literally packed full of his gear. A slant top would give him more room, and better mileage. Most of his work means highway miles (he's a surveyor), and his trips to our hometown usually mean 10 to 12 hour highway drives each way.

I'm interested, even if he's still oblivious to this style of cap. The man is a horror to buy gifts for, a slant cap would be a good present for all the family to chip in on for him. I know with the hundreds of highway miles, he'd reduce his fuel bill a fair bit... closer to what he would if he drove the limit!

Now, this brings me to what a few others have been starting to bring up: Bondo might well want to give an idea of what makes and models his cap will fit, when he's closer to market.

P.S. (Thanks .Cd for mentioning the forums here, I'm a visitor from
Current mod: Skidplate/Undertray for my MkIV Jetta. Next mod: CAD drawing for skidplate so other Jetta/Golf drivers can make one too!
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