Originally Posted by nemo
This is not true. Some of your choices are LED, CFL, LED, and Halogen-Incandesent What was mandated was how many watt can be used to create a certain level of light output. Some bulbs were exempted for the standard like 3 way and rough service.
Can I buy a standard incandescent bulb any more? No, I can't because effectively it's been outlawed.
You are saying I have
other choices, but in actuality
my choice has been eliminated. I don't mind there there are other types of bulbs now available (as I said, I do use them in other applications). But let's not pretend that my personal preference for a standard incandescent bulb hasn't been taken away by governmental action.
I'm with Frank on this one. I too am in a cold climate and when I sit at my desk I use a 60W incandescent work lamp for several reasons: not only does it give warm light but I use it as a hand warmer in winter. The light from a fluorescent gives me eye strain when doing close work. It will literally give me headaches.
For me, the technology of a standard, old-fashioned bulb that was doubly useful to me has been eliminated. It was done to promote an ideological and political ideal, not to mention the benefit to producers of the higher costing new bulbs.
When I heard of the forthcoming ban on incandescent bulbs, I bought several cases of them while they were still available. Fortunately, stored light bulbs don't go bad. Forewarned is forearmed.