Originally Posted by gascort
justpassintime, I wanted to use sheet metal, but I couldn't find any cheaper than $1 per square foot. I tried to find a salvage box truck that I could cut from, but never thought of cutting it from a car in the junkyard! Looks nice.
My materials were technically $0 too, but I had to buy the sheet metal screws, washers, and duct tape since I was out at home.
Preliminary results for the grill block and wheel skirts: +2 mpg on the highway: New high - 47.2 mpg today!
Grill block:

I have to finish them yet, I basically threw them together, wanted to make sure they were worth the time. I used regular rivets I want to replace them with flush rivets but need to order a dimpling tool for that. So by the time I get through fussing with them and get them painted. They won't be free anymore, but will pay for themselves many times over.
I want to do the grill block thing too but want to make it so it opens and closes when the fan comes on or I think it needs more air. I live in eastern Washington and it does get in the high 90s and even into the 100s at times.
This last saturday it was 102 in the shade.