Originally Posted by freebeard
...and the lack of a passenger seat.
Yikes, I hadn't even noticed that. I guess that didn't keep him from winning the design competition though.
Samir Sadikhov
Back on track?
Peugeot 402 Andreau Aerodynamic Prototype 1936
At the time the official announcement was claiming : "Without modifying the mechanical elements, the Andreau prototype compared to the original squared shape will allow 30% fuel savings at similar speeds. It will also allow a maximum speed 40% higher than the original."
Architect, Artist and Designer of Objects
2012 Infiniti G37X Coupe
1977 Porsche 911s Targa
1998 Chevy S-10 Pick-Up truck
1989 Scat II HP Hovercraft
You cannot sell aerodynamics in a can............
Last edited by kach22i; 01-08-2014 at 04:46 PM..