Originally Posted by kach22i
Interesting cut-sheet / figures.
I'm still trying to figure out how this can be applied to an existing car without cutting it all up though.
The numbers are all much higher than I would have imagined based on the dramatic profile differences.
Don't chop your roof. Build it up.
To create the "whale" type roofline by adding a roundish roof on top of flat cars, like mine is, might improve airflow dynamics.
In addition this helps improve kammback performance, and is linked to it.
Two issues.
1. how to construct the dome roof using what materials
2. adding any height increases CdA
3. does making the car more like a teardrop/plane wing improve MPG more than it hurts it from bigger frontal drag area?
The slope we want:
The slope I have:
Proposed "solution", if it makes sense... my mouse skill isn't great and the mouse skips around. I'd want a lower profile "whale roof."