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Old 01-10-2014, 01:08 AM   #1 (permalink)
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VX Tune Up & Suggestions for 50mpg

I'm happy to say that I am a proud owner of a 94 civic vx, whereas at this time, I am preparing to give the car its first complete tune up since I bought it this past October. I've no idea what the last owner has done to it, so I would like to be through. There's over 235,000 miles on the vehicle; but in spite of that, the car runs fairly well with some minor issues.

The first issue is that the idle appears to fluctuate at a dead stop, or while driving once the car is warm. At this point the needle appears to flutter between 1000 to 2000 rpm.

The second issue is that the car seems to accelerate poorly on the freeway or while driving up hills. Is this normal? I often find myself with the pedal down to the floor, as it slowly speeds up to 55mph or struggles to maintain that speed while going up hills. In fact, passing another car is simply out of the question.

The final issue is that the fuel economy is averaging around 35mpg. I couldn't even tell you what lean burn mode feels like.

Aside from all of that, there are no trouble codes or other issues to be found. So with everything in mind, I'm wondering what else should be included in my tune up.

So far, I've purchased OEM parts from Majestic Honda to include the following: Spark plugs (ZFR4F-11) , distributor cap, rotor, PCV, fuel filter, air filter, 5 wire O2 sensor (L1H1) and the screen for the fuel pump.
I've also read postings that suggest cleaning out the IACV & the EGR valve.

Finally, would it be excessive to replace the MAP sensor, fuel pump, and ignition coil, or fuel injectors? Thank you.

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