Originally Posted by CFECO
I'm going to copy the image and work with it,but from Hoerner's research,if the contour of the plan-taper of the body and greenhouse are near that of the 'ideal' symmetrical wing section,then we'd have full attachment all the way to the rear and extremely low drag.
In the Schl'o'rwagen you'll notice in plan-view,that the body taper begins right at the front wheels.This is what we'd be looking for.
Here is the 'ideal' section contour,center image:
PS,we'd have quite a bit of design latitude with the nose,but the tail would want to be dead on.Volkswagen's Rolf Buchheim pulled off Cd 0.14 with his long-tail 'Flow' body in 1981,using small,'optimized' radii on the leading edges.