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Old 01-13-2014, 03:36 AM   #12 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: john o groats
Posts: 277

beastie - '89 toyota hilux dolphin motorhome

Puggie - '98 Peugeot 406 Lx
Thanks: 35
Thanked 49 Times in 41 Posts
Smile naming cars

everyone i have named most of my cars. only ones not named where alfa romeos. i loved them so much had everything i was looking for in a car. newer versions lack charater. my motorhome was named by my partner got it home after 8 hours driving across northern england to the very top of scotland. she said what a beast thus named beastie. lol. everyone who has driven or riden in it thinks its far from a beast easy to drive and all are planning road trips in it. that was the orginal design brief.
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