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Old 01-16-2014, 12:00 AM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
Where is the solution for nuclear waste? Folks have been trying to solve this for at least 60 years - how can we ethically proceed with nuclear power without a solution?

How are they going to clean up Rocky Flats? How are they going to clean up Hanford? The decommissioning of Yankee Rowe was finished in 2007 - how long until there is a problem? We'll see how things go at Vermont Yankee. And we'll see if we have any floods or storms or earthquakes that flummox some nuclear plant nearby where you live.
Neil never answers those who question his agenda.

He reacts with a blitz of more (often inane but provocative) questions, such as those in his previous post, to put his opposition on the defensive.

That's the activist strategy: Never play defense. Never engage in meaningful discussion or respond to questions. Always play offense. Ignore any facts supportive of the contrary viewpoint.