If you want a visual pressure representation on cars similar to yours go to Bing or Google "image search" using the phrase:
cfd pressure automobile....or similar phrase perhaps more specific to your model and make.
Examples of such a search:
Corvette Racing: Inside the GT2 Corvette C6.R
S1.Dynamic // 997 Turbo - aeromotions
If you find that you are not scooping enough air, you can always fabricate something to do so such as the below, but on a larger scale.
Pelican Technical Article: 911 Carrera Oil Cooler Upgrade
It's not too late to ask, so here I go..............why do you want to go though all of this work?
Originally Posted by Wolf_Tm
I need to move the engine and trans oil radiators away
Why do you need to move them from the current location?
What is the objective/goal?