I'm 100% positive its a factory vx with all the appropriate hardware, the ecu is a p07-a00 and have p07-1 cast in the head with d15z1 on the block. I feel lean burn engaging, or at least what I believe it to feel like, feels like a small "boost" when exiting lean burn but it crosses over smooth and drives great. the alignment might be off a small amount but it coasts absolutely great. also, the engine temp rises quickly as it should to just below the middle portion of the temp gauge and stays there. the shift light is not functioning right now and idk if that's because something is wrong with it or because the bulb is out. about half of the back lighting bulbs in the cluster and hvac unit are out I just haven't had the motivation to replace them yet. also, my cluster doesn't have a tach and I thought all vx's had a tach? it does have the shift light but like I said its not functioning.