Originally Posted by Arragonis
How do you get ICE Load ?
There are a few different ways depending on preferences.
There are torque sensors that can be installed in the shaft itself as it comes out of the ICE ... or in the transmission ... or at the wheel .... any of which would give the equivalent kind of load information needed to reference back on one's known ICE BSFC.
Some Cars have some type of OEM torque sensors already for the car to be able to determine when to shift to different gear ratios, and such.
My Gen-1 Insight OEM gives me a crude % based load signal 0 to 100 ... it's not ideal ... but , until I upgrade to a better sensor ... I can use that and the RPM signal to determine ... or data log ... an idea of where I am on the BSFC for real time operating efficiency ... if data logged I can go back latter to crunch the numbers over a given route and given driving method / technique.
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For my dream efficiency meter mod ... I have been leaning more to an at the wheel type of sensor... By knowing the torque and RPM at the wheel ... I can account for all kinds of vehicle losses and loads more easily.