Originally Posted by darcane
Get car #2.
Bring a code scanner. If it's nothing major, get it. Realistically, the mpg differences between a 6th and 7th will be marginal. More important is overall condition (especially rust where you are), maintenance, and how many miles. From your brief description, #2 is the clear winner.
7th gens have some quirks and known problems, although most were worked out by '03. Tranny problems are common (mine had a failed input shaft bearing) so watch for that if you go after the '03.
Thanks for the reply. On the 7th gen's I've also heard the a/c compressor's fail an lock up a lot. The 7th. Gen Im going to look at is from Michigan an does have a rust spot on the passenger side quarter panel. That's a major concern of mine with the car being from Michigan.
Thanks for the advice.