The 2,001 Prius was a 2,765-pound car with a 1.5l, 70 HP engine. The 2,014 is 3,042 pounds with a 1.8l, 98 HP. My Civic is 2,370 pounds with a 1.6l, 115 HP engine.
My understanding is that the rule of thumb is that for every percentage you decrease the weight, you increase mileage by half, although the engines are totally different, the Prius has Atkinson\Otto cycle-engines, while the HX has lean burn. Also, the 2,001 is 46.67 HP/L and the 2,014 is 54.44 HP/L, while my Civic is 71.875 HP/L.
Do we subtract the weight of the hybrid system? If so, the 2,001 should roughly equal my car, which is rated 30/39. The 2,014 is larger and heavier, but more aerodynamic and efficient, although I expect that it would get worse mileage in a gas-only version.