Originally Posted by Formula413
As for the power steering delete, I don't know if I would want to try that. I have tried to EOC in my Escort, and even at about 40 mph the steering felt very heavy, probably too heavy for an emergency avoidance maneuver. I know this car is available without PS, but I believe a manual steering equipped car would have a much lower steering ratio (i.e. more turns lock to lock for less effort).
100% correct on that. That is why you put the bypass tube in and the breather, it actually lets the P/S rack operate with more ease then it would normally with the pump off. Granted, a manual rack would be best, but on my car, these was so little difference that swapping out the racks was hardly worth the time and money. I guess it all boils down to how confident you are with doing mods and how comfortable you are with driving your car like that.