Funny thing though. For a moment lets assume it does nothing, has no effect. At least no one I know is claiming that it is detrimental other than it being a chemical you do not want in contact with your skin (Like Gas), or on the surface of your vehicle(Like gas).
SO basically we have found a chemical that blends with gasoline and does nothing to it at all, will combust in small quanities with no effect, will therefore burn off with no effect, thereby becoming no more than a phycological waste of money.
How many chemicals do you know of that can be mixed with gasoline to offer the same results? Meaning no results with no trace of its use?
Excluding Acetone, are there any chemicals to aid in the burning of fuel? No cleaners and deposit eliminators, aids to gasoline?
Because what we run on is not perfect, so therefore there has to a way to make it better than not using it. Obviously a question for chemical engineers, but as mythbusters say ... I still feel this one is plausible, and I only wish that Acetone in my tank would make me happier or less agressive and more prone to better driving.
Thx NoCO2; "The biggest FE mod you can make is to adjust the nut behind the wheel"
I am a precisional instrument of speed and aeromatics
If your knees bent in the opposite direction......what would a chair look like???