My fan kicks on at 215 F, and you should not go warmer than the trigger point for when your fan kicks on. With a temp gauge, it's easy to see when it comes on, because the temp will go up to a maximum temperature and then rapidly cool until it falls below a set threshold.
Originally Posted by ssnsvibe09
My car will peak at 198 which I think is where the fan cuts in. I think mine draws up to 30 to 40 amps easily a couple of horse power.
my personal limit would be the moment that the radiator fan cuts in. A warmer engine saves fuel, but a radiator fan will burn fuel....
40 amps would be about 500 watts, or about 2/3hp. Of course, the mechanical to electrical efficiency is low, so the total drag on your engine is likely around 2hp.
I second your statement about keeping the fan off.