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Old 01-30-2014, 05:09 PM   #15 (permalink)
American Viking
EcoModding Lurker
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Dad's Jetta - '05 Volkswagen Jetta 2.5l package one
90 day: 23.23 mpg (US)

Black Cherry - '01 Honda VFR800fi
Last 3: 39.39 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Cobb View Post
Many jobs that pay miles, pay less in drive pay. For example I wanted to go into pest control. They pay x for an hour for a service call and y an hour to drive their truck or y+per mile to drive your vehicle.
Originally Posted by Cobb View Post
In the end it paid more to do service calls, than drive to service calls.
That's true, but its still is better to get paid when the only reason to be traveling somewhere is for the job.
I've worked jobs where trips to the client were not paid for nor was mileage.
I've worked jobs where the mileage was paid, but not wages for the travel hours.
I've worked jobs where the mileage wasn't paid, but the wages for the hours were.
I've worked jobs where the wage was on differential rate and the company required a rental car (so we would rent a saab or volvo).

But to really answer mcrews' question, You have to figure in not just the cost of gas, but a % of the annual insurance, maintenance and resale depreciation due to advancing the mileage, for your vehicle.

Black Cherry (no epa ratings)

Dad's Taxi

The Lead Sled (EV conversion coming soon)
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