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Old 01-30-2014, 07:37 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Joan ('95 Buick Skylark) - '95 Buick Skylark Custom Sport
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Poomanchu- A Cavalier seems like a good choice, but the issue I see is the wide rear end the the complications that would come in with trying to boat tail it. The car would become much too long for what I could deem useful I think.

Everyone that asked- I'm looking to spend around 1000-1500 on just the vehicle. I might go 1000 on mods if it would be worth my money to do that.

rooster- Unless I could find one for dirt cheap, I probably won't go with a Cobalt.

rmay- If I could find a Chevette for really cheap I think I'd go that route. I'm not interested in the Sprint but I am really considering a Metro now. Even though the Sprint is the Metro, just the earlier version. I might consider the sprint if I could find one.

vskid and elhigh- I'm slowly learning to accept all car manufacturers. Hopefully!

rooster, elhigh- An S10 huh? That briefly crossed my mind but actually that sounds like a great idea now. Aero cap bed cover, rear wheel well covers, moon disks on the front, lowered, grille block, manual 4 banger? Yeah that sounds great!!!

MetroMPG- 1. I haven't driven one yet, but the Nissan is a manual in the garage which is soon to be on the road I believe. I might be allowed to try my grandfather's '64 Corvette Sting Ray because my brother gets to take it to prom this year. I know how to do it, I just haven't done it. I actually want a manual.
2 (Answered earlier)
3 I'd like to be able to see improvements, not immediate 35-40 mpg.
4 What about an MPGuino?
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