Keep in mind, if this is just a beater, you could rip off the trunk of a Cavalier, and use that as a base. I am not advising that, just saying- you can get wild.
I agree with your point on not wanting to ruin a car, but man, that S10 would be a great car. Rear wheel drive is a bit less efficient than a FF, but a standard S10 isn't hard to find, especially with the four cylinder (not sure on real numbers, just experience). A lot of good points on it, it's a vehicle (even here, in Ohio) that is still on the road. Yea, rust is an ehhhole, but it seems they still fair pretty well. A lot in wrecks (people making poor decisions), and a lot of people who make poor decisions invest good money into a vehicle like that. You could pull a part some nice stuff for it, really whatever you need would be available.
If I had a truck, I would drop the tailgate- legal, and then build the rear Aerohead style, but to the tip of the tailgate. Build it right, and it could be easy storage.
Chances are neither of these ideas will work perfect for you, but just remember you can get as crazy as you (legally/safely) want. So whatever you get, your imagination can run wild. I always hear good things about those Saturns, but a dear friend had two and they were both absolute garbage. She rebuilt a nice Chevy, and her family was rather automotive savvy, so for their situation, it was not a good car.