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Old 07-03-2008, 11:24 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
He was kind of a smarty pants. It depends on traffic and the situation but I guess will just agree to disagree not knowing the area but where do you draw the line. Traffic here regularly travel 80-85 mph. I'm not going to drive 75 just to be in the flow. Almost all highways have a slow lane and a passing lane.The people traveling at these speeds are going to be mad if they have slow down even if it's 70. I don't think there are a lot of accidents because people come up on a 20 mph overtake but I'm sure some one can find some links. I guess it's a good thing I don't drive much
One daily driver I have can't even go faster than 52mph except downhill.

Legally I view every ideot driving over 65mph as a tool given the fact that the high speed (aka 65mph+) headon 1yr survival rate even today lingers around 15% lower or higher depending on WHO you want to get your crapsticics from. (in fact the death rate in high speed collisions has INCREASED since the 70's, I'm talking percentages in a 65mph+ collision not just the number of by the way) Cutting through hype and getting reliable stats on this regard is hard, folks love to report # of deaths but not as a percent of incidents and in fact I have run into different "legit" entities providing different numbers, also remember that the initial survival rate at high speeds in meaningless as most survive the accident but die later from injuries.

Also Few actually look at the statistical crash tests and how the data is collected, in reality safety comes from how, where and how fast you drive, airbags do little at very high speeds. In fact my grandmother was killed by the airbag hitting her leg causing hundreds of micro clots months later (and that was in a 35mph crash)

I believe what he was doing (the guy pulled over) would be PERFECTLY OK if it were during the daytime, during light traffic, on multilane road where folks can simply pass. I do much the same in light traffic and have done so often, for long distances and for many years and I have had no accidents over the roughly 750k I have driven thus far, but I choose when to drive and where carefully because I hate unsafe conditions caused by other drivers. I also tend to do the speed limit when I don't like the group coming up on me and tend to do the limit when I am in a hurry or on a schedual.

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