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Old 07-04-2008, 01:09 AM   #24 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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LR3 - '06 Land Rover LR3 HSE
90 day: 21.13 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by groar View Post
In France a lot of people are buying scooters. This is a must for teenagers, as smoking when I was young. This is to save time for older people in cities.

The probability of accident and the insurance taxes are so high that I gave up twice to buy one. Also because I can't replace a car by a scooter.

Anyway, scooters are big generators of CO2 and I'm saving gas to save CO2 1st, save €uros 2nd.

How, in an internal combustion engine, can rate of generation of CO2 and rated of consumption of fuel not be linearly related? If the combustion is less efficient, I could understand proportionally increased production of CO (not a good thing, obviously) but perfect hydrocarbon oxidation would yield CO2 and H20. So it seems to me that there's no way to minimize fuel consumption and not minimize CO2 production.
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