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Old 07-04-2008, 12:26 AM   #59 (permalink)
Renaissance Man
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Aegean C - '17 Honda Civic LX
90 day: 37.59 mpg (US)
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Back when I had a subscription to Car and Driver (before I got sick of the rightward editorial slant and dumped it) I read an article talking about the ever increasing weights of cars due to things like the need for stiffer chassis' to handle ever increasing freeway speeds and more sound deadening for added refinement. But the article also pointed out that while cars have been porking up motorcycles, in particular sport bikes, keep getting lighter, because the manufacturers spend time in R&D trying to find ways to lighten the bikes while maintaining adequate structural stiffness and strength. The car companies have some very smart engineers working for them, if they would apply that talent to this problem curb weights might start moving in the right direction.

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