If only you guys had posted this stuff before my assignment was due!
I removed my first post. Many of our assignments go through some absurd filter that that the instructors allege to prevent plagiarism. The first time that I dealt with this, I submitted a one-page final project with six references. My recycling score was 36 and the professor had put in the syllabus and repeated several times that if the service gave us a score of twenty-five or higher, we would receive a zero, and could be in worse trouble for plagiarizing.
The main part of that score, what apparently would doom me to failing in and of itself, was my works cited page--not actual quotes or rephrased passages from elsewhere, but my works cited page!
Hey, plagiarism is bad, despite what Tom Lehrer may say--and sing, but it was absurd. I e-mailed the instructor, she ignored me, and I finally decided that everyone was probably going through the same thing, and I doubted that she was going to fail all of us.
After I submitted yesterday's assignment, I realized that it could notify my professor that it was almost a word-for-word copy of some forum post, so I took it down, and I will put it back up once I have a grade.
Unless it is a bad one...
When I went to submit this, I saw the grading rubric, which I had missed before I started everything. Then I started panicking, trying to work my assignment to match it, so we will see. It turns out that my ex-girlfriend's sister took the class and we discussed it a little, but it was too late to do much.
I cannot expect you guys to follow my personal life, but the ex and I got back together.
Thanks for your participation thus far. Maybe you will appreciate this: